Ferma Zancle odihneasca-se in pace 11.01-11.01


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Trebuie sa vedem cati playeri strangem. Momentan nu a scris nimeni nimic in rubrica aia.. :). Cei care vor sa vina cu orgoliul pe serverul extern pot ramane acasa fara sa ii deranjeze nimeni. Incerc sa fac o echipa din oameni care vor sa joace.


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Am ales serverul DE deoarece acolo nu prea apar tradari ca la noi :) si cei de acolo joaca sa castige lumea cu alianta proprie, nu se muta pentru coronita. Cum se zice in zilele noastre.. tryhard. :))


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Pai tu de ex, ai spus ca poți lăsa orgoliile deoparte.. la fel cum și eu o pot face, si probabil mai mulți din demos, cât și din sons, wild, etc...

Dar cu toate astea, sunt mulți alții care nu o pot face, și din păcate sunt mulți... mulți ca ori sunt idioți pe bune, ori pur și simplu nu pot lăsa orgoliul deoparte..


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Am ales serverul DE deoarece acolo nu prea apar tradari ca la noi :) si cei de acolo joaca sa castige lumea cu alianta proprie, nu se muta pentru coronita. Cum se zice in zilele noastre.. tryhard. :))

Cand vede neamtu ca intra romani si is Mai buni ca ei, sa vezi ce repede fac pact:))))))
Pai tu de ex, ai spus ca poți lăsa orgoliile deoparte.. la fel cum și eu o pot face, si probabil mai mulți din demos, cât și din sons, wild, etc...

Ma refeream la cei care nu o pot face, și din păcate sunt mulți... mulți ca ori sunt idioți pe bune, ori pur și simplu nu pot lăsa orgoliul deoparte..

Fa o lista cu 40 de oameni capabili sa stea pe un extern si da mi pe whats app


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Cand vede neamtu ca intra romani si is Mai buni ca ei, sa vezi ce repede fac pact:))))))

Fa o lista cu 40 de oameni capabili sa stea pe un extern si da mi pe whats app

O listă ( demos + sons + wild / top3 ) se poate face lejer, inclusi de o jumătate de academie decenta, dar e greu... dupa cum ai spus și tu, multe orgolii, preferăm mizeria, etc.


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Cand vede neamtu ca intra romani si is Mai buni ca ei, sa vezi ce repede fac pact:))))))

Fa o lista cu 40 de oameni capabili sa stea pe un extern si da mi pe whats app

Fă o lista cu oamenii de baza, din sons, cu chef de joc, fac si eu o listă cu oamenii din demos, poate apare si vreun "jmeker" din wild, ori alta ally, si cine știe, poate, poate...facem dă ciorbă :)


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Sa vina baietii care nu au o problema cu ceilalti si ne descurcam cu ei. Lasati notat in rubrica aia va rog nume sau cati aduce fiecare pentru ca mai am si eu mesaje in privat.


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Dear players,

today we turn to a complex and difficult topic. We want to be transparent about our evaluation of immobilize commands that are sent to a player to make them technically incapacitated and give you rough criteria on how you can assess your own actions. After all, you should also know what is allowed and what is forbidden.

These aren't new rules. We've been interfering with immobilize orders for years. We just want to explain to you how we have proceeded over the years based on the fair play rule (§ 9 of the rules of the game ).

Also, two posts below, we introduced a ban on ping attacks at night. These also violate the fair play rule in § 9 of the rules of the game.

But first you have to distinguish between the so-called paralyzing commands and ping attacks and in particular from spam attacks, so that we all know what we are actually talking about:
  • Paralyze commands: next to a colo attack or against a colo attack, an extremely large number of commands (attacks, support, spies, trade, messages) are sent to a player with the lowest possible strength, which overwhelm the player's browser and cause it to lag so blatantly that the Game hangs forever (with running Atts/UTs/trade movements, e.g. the command overview and the actions in the city if the city is currently selected - delayed reports when Atts/UTs arrive (not so bad, because the commands still arrive)) - for spies and news: also lags when the espionage reports or the news arrive
    • is prohibited and will be punished according to the fair play rule in § 9 of the rules of the game
  • Spam attacks:many mini-attacks, which are sent from the attackers' cities to the target player's cities and also arrive, so that the player constantly has dozens of commands on the screen, each time a Kolo could be there, but he was because of the mental and physical stress during the day (a whole ally it shifts so the player is under fire in the morning from the end of the night bonus until the evening before the night bonus) can't always check, so eventually surrender or be conquered; spam attacks only as long as they don't freeze the player, otherwise see freeze commands - and only as long as spam attacks are not sent out during the night bonus, otherwise see ping attacks
    • is not forbidden (the community voted by majority that this is a strategic tool within the rules of the game)
  • Ping Attacks: Attack or attacks on a player for the sole purpose of forcing them to disable the Grepolis App's attack warning or to keep them from sleeping - can be aborted attacks as well as passed ones (but in the latter case only if it's a is a mini-attack); only as long as ping attacks are related to the app's attack warning, not in the case of mental overload due to massive attack numbers, because see spam attacks for that
    • is only prohibited during the night bonus and will be punished according to the fair play rule in § 9 of the game rules


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Eu doar am spus ce ofera ei luna asta. Daca cineva vrea sa incercam il astept. Daca nu vrei sa joci acolo vorbim degeaba.

saca 24

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O sa iau Multumesc ! Acum ca am vazut scooterul ala :)) mama ce bine arata, dar e si 2000 euro si nici nu fac miscare....
Cu placere!
Omu' ala e mai mult cu bicicletele(de toate felurile), dar foloseste si scutere.
Vezi si tu ce zice.Sigur te va ajuta. ;)
Ii explici si tu ce vrei, si ma gandesc ca nu vrei bicicleta electrica. :))
Vrei sa dai la pedale, nu?